Daredevil: Reckless, who enjoys doing dangerous things.

Fran Manen (owner of Lord Drake Kustoms) had been listening for a long time to his good friend Frank Mahieu, owner of the Belgian company “The Motocyclist”, to discuss his idea of paying tribute to Evel Knievel.

One afternoon they were chatting about the new electric bicycles and suddenly the “Evel Knievel” spark that had been out for some time jumped … Not everything is going to be bicycles, it’s time to do something with more gas and that’s when Frank commissioned Lord Drake Kustoms who will begin to shape a motorcycle, tribute to the famous American jumper.

So was the beginning of the return journey of “Daredevil” to earth. The base was a Sportster 1200, but this time the acronym HD did not mean Harley Davidson … they said: Harley Daredevil, which came as a ring to the finger. To give a more retro scrambler air, the modified Peanut-style tank was combined with a 21 ”front tire.
The graphics and colors were very easy to choose, the helmet and the cape served as inspiration. And as always you had to meet the three essential requirements of LDK for your bikes: simplicity, elegance and class where “less is more”.
Currently this scrambler is in Belgium attending various events related to the world of two wheels.