We don’t know if Sean Connery, would have ridden this bike in the movie, but surely he would have noticed it as it passed by.

Goldfinger is the third film in the “Bond” saga and also Sean Connery’s third film playing the MI6 agent, by the name of… Bond, James Bond. But also “Goldfinger” is the first unit of the third line of motorcycles Cafe Racer with Sportster base of Lord Drake Kustoms that, together with the golden color that stands out in all the motorcycle, has given sufficient argument to name it; according to us Fran Manen, owner of LDK.
Specifically, three units of this new line, which was launched in 2016, have already been sold (two of them to Harley Davidson dealers, which will soon be recognized by everyone, but for now we can’t say any more). Inspired by the previous and successful line of cafe racer (the “Stormracer” models) that we saw in Moto Madrid last year, the “Goldfinger” features changes such as the rear tail, the seat, the headlamp and the installation of semi handlebars, all together gives it a more modern and sporty touch, without leaving elegance aside.

In terms of colors and being the first unit, has sought something striking and daring, hence gold and white, in combination with black. Glossy white for the sides, impressive white pearl in the central bands (to be seen in sunlight) and details in pearly gold in pinstripings, rims and other details.
Remember that Lord Drake Kustoms besides its central facilities in Miami, Florida (USA) has facilities in Malaga (Spain), from where it offers service of transformation and modification of motorcycles for all Spain and rest of Europe, always without importing the style or mark of the motorbike and of course with budgets for all the pockets.

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