Knowing that every day the request for Scrambler models is increasing, it is a shame to think that Harley is not ready to extend the XL family with an Off Road version. Luckily for us an for all this type of motorbikes lovers; there will always be someone willing to do it…

At the sales level, Triumph Scramblers work very well; Ducati has just released one that they are going to treat as an independent brand that those of Borgo Panigale are sure that they will give a lot of “cane” in the sector, and if we add that they already begin to hear rumors that point to a Japanese brand is going to open its “trunk of memories” to surprise us very soon with a retro model that will satisfy both the urbanites daily and scares the weekend rabbits, it means that the Scrambler segment is going to get the most entertaining. And more than it would be if those of Milwaukee decided to join the parties instead of letting some of their most prestigious dealers develop new products at their own risk, although that is another story that today is not about .
Lord Drake Kustoms, or Fran Manen who owns it, is not a Harley dealer nor has an interest in being so, but a transformer with workshops in Europe and across the Atlantic, in Florida to be more exact, who knows so well what They want their customers that not long ago made a Scrambler project using an XL as a starting point.

And the invention liked it so much and it had such a good reception on a commercial level that it has been encouraged to develop a complete kit with which the owner of a Sportster can transform it without having to wait for those of Milwaukee to decide to do so.
Although, of course, the less “tricky” in mechanical matters can always order Fran the complete bike already finished or to transform theirs.
How it was made
The kit in question was developed on this Sportster 1200 custom carburetion, in which the first thing we notice is that its height has increased considerably with respect to the original model thanks to new fork bars and RFY gas shock absorbers with separate tank .
By giving that feeling of greater height so characteristic of any field motorcycle, the subframe supplement installed under the seat also contributes to which a rear fender with integrated LED pilot is attached, located in a position very far from the Continental Twinduro tire of 80 and 150mm wide profile.
The choice of this rubber by Fran was due to the fact that this XL is one of his private motorcycles and he uses it almost exclusively for excursions on the mountain and dirt roads, so that a mixed tire would have made no sense.

The seat’s design, in the shape of a banana, along with a X cross handlebar holded to the top triple tree with LDK risers enables to have a comfortable and relaxed position on the motorbike and at the same time, that enables to move it easily at low speed.
To be perfect, the foot plate should not have been brought forward but it was part of the choice of Fran, who already told us that for the “comercial kit” he has already considered other options to consumers.
In the Sportracker they also replaced the rims by new black anodized ones of 40 that turn out to be lighter than the original ones, ande the driving position, as it was for former motorcycles, the decided to eliminate all the extras with the exception of the speedo which is centrally located in the superior post, offering a perfect view.

As the V-Twin, Sportster is the typical motor that is used for almost all motorcycles, for this new off road version, Fran decided to make only a few changes: set up a new air cleaner and to recalibrate the carbuetor to adapt the fancy new RSD 2 in to 1 exhaust.

For a future version, if he finally decides to take part with a Sportster in Baja style races, he will probably replace the ratios of the gearbox, but for now he is convinced that the secondary chain transmission is enough to satisfy all the customers who the Milwaukee brand doesn’t seem willing to please with a Scrambler.
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